Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More new drivers for x220t

Lenovo's new site is very frustrating!!! But here are the new drivers:

New Ricoh Multi Card Reader Driver:
Thinkpad Monitor INF File:
Intel Wireless LAN:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

alternate solution to x220t microphone problem

This solves the broken microphone issue on the x220t. When it is not working, try these steps, and let me know if it solves the problem for you as it does for me. I am using the latest Conexant driver from Lenovo version

Open the registry.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\Settings

(If you don't have this key, then it might be different on your system. Search for "AppsUpdates" to try to locate the correct path.)

Under Plugins\Capture\LFX, rename the key {70306ef0-7851-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66} to {70306ef0-7851-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66}.old

Under OEM, rename AppsUpdates to AppsUpdates.old, Flags2 to Flags2.old, and Flags3 to Flags3.old


The Flags2 and Flags3 keys cause AppsUpdates to be created with this value: F8 00 0C 00. This value causes some of the input and output devices to be hidden.

The Plugin that I am commenting out is related to ForteMedia.

I am guessing that the Flags2 and Flags3 options were created to be compatible with ForteMedia. I am guessing again that the device that remains is either the wrong one, or ForteMedia is causing it to crash.

Hope this enlightens someone who can actually fix the Conexant driver....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lenovo updated drivers

Lenovo has sadly created a new website for Thinkpad updates. This site sucks.

There is a new x220t firmware 1.17, Intel AMT Engine driver, and Hotkeys integration utility. Since the site no longer lists the drivers in order, you have to manually go through the menus. What a pain.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

X-Men First Class - Great movie

Highly recommended. Did anyone else see Charles Xavier's image through the really tall wine glass? I could swear that they put Patrick Stewart's image in there... Or I could be imagining things...

BMW March 2011 iDrive Bluetooth issues

I bought a new 2011 BMW 335d back in May of 2011. The car is a superb. I love it. My only issue is with the iDrive system. There are design flaws and functionality issues. The Bluetooth system design is at the top of the list.

A potential client has called you as you're getting to your car. You are talking as your open the door to your new BMW. You get in, and you turn on the car. While you're talking, the iDrive system starts up. The Bluetooth module on the car kicks in and immediately grabs your call. Silence... The iDrive system hasn't yet initialized the microphone or the speakers. Seconds pass. 1.. You fumble with your phone to try and see if the call was dropped. 2.. You try to unlock the phone. 3.. Your scrambling to type your iPhone unlock code in. 5.. You see that the call has been routed to your car's Bluetooth. 6 seconds have passed and your caller has hung up just as the iDrive turns on the microphone and the speakers.

This is what would happen to me. I became trained at keeping my phone unlocked and in my hand whenever I was on the phone and starting my car. I would immediately switch the call back to my phone the moment the car would take the call.

The good news is that the BMW dealer can update the software as they did for me. There are virtually no changes other than a different look for the Bluetooth Active Call dialog, and the fix for this issue.

Glad to see that after lots of pushing and prodding, they finally did something to resolve this.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Laptop moves, everything frozen

The x220t detects movement and protects the hard drive in those situations. So why is the touch screen disabled during that time?  Fairly annoying

Saturday, June 4, 2011

x220t firmware update: 1.16

Firmware version 1.16 released. Claims to fix noisy fan.